
the chocolate peanut butter gallery

a site dedicated to the world's two best ingredients

Chocolate Peanut Butter Graduation Cupcakes

June 17, 2008

Chocolate Peanut Butter Graduation Cupcakes

There are lots of ideas for graduation party desserts floating around the web right now and I’ve especially been noticing a lot of cupcakes. People toil making fancy graduation caps out of fondant but for your average person, this is far too much work. Luckily I came across this incredibly easy decorating idea on flickr.

It doesn’t say what type of cupcake the decoration sits on top of, but the cap is made of mini Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Hershey Chocolate Bars, and colored Twizzlers. It looks like the Twizzler was stuck on by dipping the tip of it in melted chocolate, so I assume the Hershey Bar is glued to the peanut butter cup with the same melted chocolate.

Cute, easy and delicious!

Thanks to flickr user red.ghost.blinky for sharing the photo!

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